E.T. Simonds Construction Company has a duty to provide a safe work environment for all employees.
It is E. T. Simonds Construction Company’s policy to prevent, to the extent possible, the adverse impact on the local environment of the Company’s construction activities at the job site. E. T. Simonds Construction Company and its subcontractors will comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and local environment/pollution control standards as they pertain to our construction projects. The intentional dumping/spilling of toxic chemicals, petroleum products or other hazardous substances is prohibited on the job site. Subcontractors will be required to cleanup and properly dispose of hazardous substances on the job site at their own expense. Each job site supervisor will be responsible for field employees complying with all construction site environmental/pollution control requirements. All hazardous products used by or generated by E. T. Simonds Construction Company’s locations will be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Accidental spills or toxic/hazardous substances meeting the E.P.A./I.E.P.A. reporting requirements will be promptly turned in to the Personnel & Safety Manager. The Personnel & Safety Manager will see that all initial reporting and reporting of cleanup and disposal procedures are met.